The February meeting was held on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at the Garden Council Headquarters. Our speaker was Andrea Pandazi Psanas, a Lee County Master Gardener. Andrea spoke on Flower Plants of Southwest Florida.
Results of the chapter’s January 20th plant sale were announced; the chapter made a nice profit on the sale. Some of the remaining plants were sold at the meeting and others will be up potted and brought to the April Show and Sale.
The chapter’s mini-show had many blooms and several happy winners!

Double Seedling"

Mini Double Seedling

Wow! What a mini show!

Amateur Single Blooms

Double Blooms

Amateur Double Blooms

Single Blooms

More Single Blooms

Mini Double Blooms

Mini Single Blooms

Mini Single Seedlings

Members making their selections for the winning blooms!

Valerie with Best Mini Double: My Blue Heaven x Yoda

Denise with Best Double Seedling Roslyn

Valerie with Best Regular Seedling "Nicole's Rainbow'

Wanda and Nancy with Best Mini Singles: 'Sparkling Water' and "Fiji Island'

Nancy with Best Collector Double "Indian Bride"

Valerie with Best Collector Single "My Darlin'"

Nancy with Best Collector Double (tie) "Indian Bride" and "Love Pat"

Denise with Best Amateur Double: "Sweet Pink"

Cathy with Best Amateur Single: "Sacred Fire"

Our February Speaker Andrea Psaras

Speaker Andrea Psaras

Flowering Plants in Southwest Florida