General Meetings

The Chapter meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council Building, located at 2166 Virginia Avenue, Fort Myers.  Visitors are always welcome!  Come join us and learn more about the beautiful hybrid hibiscus!

September Meeting: Sunday, September 8th  Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council Building, 2166 Virginia Avenue, Fort Myers.
We’re kicking off the 2024-2025 season with our program “This is YOUR Hibiscus Chapter!”  If you are a returning member or a potential new member interested in joining our chapter, you won’t want to miss this meeting!  
We will have rootstock and cuttings available for grafting at 1 PM.  If you missed our August workshop on grafting, or if you would like to start another grafted plant, plan to be at the meeting early to build your grafting skills.
We’ll start at 1:30 PM with our Mini Show; bring your best blooms to enter our fun contest. Soft drinks and water will be provided; bring a snack to share.

Plan to join us to learn more about the beautiful hibiscus – visitors are always welcome!