The JEH Chapter’s August meeting focused on grafting hibiscus.
The meeting started with JEH Past President Patricia Myers donating to current President Cathy Dunn her hibiscus motif goblets, ceramic dishes, and tote bag. To AHS Historian and former President Beth Meehan, Patricia donated her AHS DVD, “The Seed Pod 1956-2006.”
Members brought their plants that were created at the June rooting workshop. Beth Meehan and Valerie Costa provided a grafting demonstration along with tips and tricks. The Chapter provided the following supplies: Exacto knives, plant cutters, Isopropyl Alcohol, Parafilm grafting tape, small plastic bag, Elmers glue and cuttings for all to create their own grafted plants. The hands-on workshop was a big success, and attendees had fun learning and actual grafting their own plants!